Some of our faithful users have even been inspired to produce their own versions of the Google logo, including these logos by Andre Giroux:

this logo by Daniel Baird:

this logo by Kevin Collison:

this logo by Corey C.: animated GIF by Scott Higdon:

..a search button by H. Ethan Hamburg:

...a logo -- with tagline! -- by Russ Morris: by Chuck Bardsley: Drie/Beefcase/Nike/Ben:

...a logo by Matthew Bevan: by Dave Michaud:

...a whole slew of images -- and buttons! -- by Brad Lynham: image by Jon Abbott: by Logan Maxwell: by Nathaniel Morbey: Joe Williams: Anton Andreasson: animated GIF by Travis David Freeland:

...and this version by Jesse Rios, which inspired the shadowing in our current logo:

Sherman, set the WayBack machine...

Finally, here are progressively older versions of our logo, dating back to the days before we were Google...
